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Choosing The Perfect Class In Dragon Quest III: Best Beginner’s Guide In 2023

Choosing The Perfect Class In Dragon Quest Iii: A Beginner’s Guide

Are you ready to take on the world of Dragon Quest III? Choosing the perfect class for your character can be daunting, but don’t worry! With this beginner’s guide, we’ll make sure you get off to a great start. You’ll learn about all eight classes and their respective strengths and weaknesses so that you can pick the one that fits your play style best. So let’s dive in!

First things first: what is a class anyway? A class is essentially an archetype or “role” that determines how your character will interact with enemies, complete objectives, and more. Each has its own unique skillset which must be mastered in order to progress in-game. From fighters to healers, there are plenty of options available – it just takes some trial and error to figure out which one works best for you.

With that said, I’m here to help make your journey easier by providing an overview of each Dragon Quest III class along with tips on how to use them effectively. By the end of this article, you should have a better understanding of what kind of role suits you best and how to maximize your performance within it!

Overview Of Classes

Welcome to the beginner’s guide for choosing the perfect class in Dragon Quest III. This section will provide an overview of classes, as well as a comparison between them and some selection strategies to help you make your choice.

Each class has its own unique characteristics that define it, such as stats, equipment and weapon usage. You’ll want to take all of these into consideration when picking a class for your character. It is important to note that each class also has its own strengths and weaknesses so you should be sure to consider what type of gameplay style works best for you before making your decision. Additionally, there are various special abilities associated with each class which can further assist you in battle or exploration.

When deciding on your ideal class, begin by taking a look at all the available classes and comparing their characteristics against one another. Once you have narrowed down your choices, think about how they fit in with your overall game plan and how they might benefit you throughout the adventure ahead!

Characteristics Of Each Class

When it comes to choosing the perfect class in Dragon Quest III, you can’t go wrong by understanding the character traits associated with each one. To help make this decision easier, let’s take a look at some of their defining features:

  • Battle skills
  • Weapon usage
  • Magic use
  • Special abilities

The Warrior is a great choice for someone looking for an all-around fighter who excels in physical combat and weapon usage. They have higher hit points than other classes and can equip heavier armor. In addition, they gain access to powerful special abilities such as Multiheal and Lightning Slash. On the downside, magic users are not suited for Warriors since they lack MP and cannot learn spells.

Mages offer strong magical capabilities compared to any other class in the game. With high Intelligence stats and access to various spells like Firebane, Healmore, and Bouncemagic, Mages are capable of turning the tide of battle quickly. But while they may be great at dishing out damage from afar, Mages lack defense due to low HP pools and limited armor options.

Priests specialize in healing magic but also boast good attack power thanks to their unique holy staff weapons. They come with useful defensive buffs like Insulatle that makes them very handy support characters during battles against monsters or bosses alike. However Priests do not possess much agility or strength so relying on physical attacks alone would be unwise for them.

Though selecting the right class may seem daunting at first glance, being aware of these characteristics will help narrow down your choices considerably when starting your journey through Dragon Quest III. Next up we’ll cover strategies for selecting the right class depending on playstyle preferences!

Strategies For Selecting The Right Class

Choosing the perfect class in Dragon Quest III can be a daunting task. With so many options and factors to consider, it’s important to have some strategies for selecting the right one. Here are five tips that will help beginners make their decision easier:

Think aheadConsider how you want your character to develop later on in the game. Will you need more defensive or offensive capabilities? Depending on what you may face down the line, choose a class accordingly.
Look at statsEach class has different starting attributes; take into consideration which ones will benefit your gaming style most. Some classes may start off with higher HP than others, while some might have better attack power. Examine each class carefully before making a choice.
Check out skillsNot only do classes offer different stats, but they also have unique abilities associated with them. While not all characters can learn every skill in the game, examining what each one offers is key when deciding who should join your party.
Prioritize weaponsDifferent classes use different weapons — whether that’s swords, daggers or even boomerangs! Be aware of which types of arms fit best with certain classes as this could affect their overall performance during battle sequences.
Know your limitsAs much fun as experimenting can be, it’s important to remember there are certain restrictions placed on certain levels and jobs within Dragon Quest III. For example, novices cannot equip heavier armor nor wield two-handed swords until they reach level 10 or above – something to keep an eye on if planning ahead for future battles!

When putting together a team of adventurers for Dragon Quest III, these five tips should help make sure everyone is suited up properly for any challenge that lies ahead! Keeping these ideas in mind will make choosing the perfect class easy and ensure players get the most out of their journey through Alefgard and beyond


Picking the perfect class for your character in Dragon Quest III can be daunting, but with a bit of strategy and knowledge about each class’s abilities, you can make an informed decision. You’ll have to weigh all the options carefully– there are so many exciting classes to choose from!

Every class offers something different, and it’s important that you select one which will appeal to your playstyle. Some may prefer the robustness of a Fighter or the nimbleness of a Thief; others might find the magical prowess of a Mage irresistible. Whichever path you decide upon, rest assured that all these choices provide plenty of potential for greatness.

So don’t hesitate – take this opportunity to craft your hero into exactly who they’re meant to be! With careful consideration and some forethought, finding the right class is sure to lead you on a journey full of grand adventures and thrilling challenges. The next step towards becoming a legendary champion starts here – let’s get going!

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